Friday, July 22, 2011

Black Bean Burgers!!

Since I didn't share anything last week, I can tell you of my grocery trip to the Commissary last Thursday. My monthly grocery bill came out to $120! Before coupons it was $167, so I feel like I did pretty good for a last minute thrown together list.

One thing I bought was a bag of dry black beans. If you didn't know, that bag makes A LOT of black beans! I had beans and rice for dinner and lunch the next day and still had plenty of beans left over, so I decided to branch out a little and try something I've been wanting to try for a while, black bean burgers! Let me tell you, they were delicious! Here is the recipe I sort of used. I say sort of because I'm not really good at following recipes. I usually just guess at it. :) That probably drives a lot of people crazy, but for some reason, I just really don't like to measure food! Anyway: Follow as much of it as you want or change it up a little or a lot like I did! There's plenty of other recipes out there also! They were super easy, super tasty, and super good for you!

I made only two patties because I though Aaron wouldn't dare try them. Well, guess what! I made him try it, and he actually liked it! WHOAH. What happened to my husband people??? Anyway, I had one for dinner last night on a wheat bun topped with Spinach and a little chili sauce, and I had the other for lunch today wrapped in a Spinach tortilla and topped with Spinach and Chili Sauce. I personally preferred the Spinach tortilla better. (Maybe because I am a little obsessed with Spinach! Okay, enough already. Here are the pictures:
Last Night: (don't mind my fine china :) I try to have as little dishes as possible when Aaron is working nights and I'm alone with Emma)

And for lunch today: I wrapped it up after the picture, of course!

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