Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas :)

So, we didn't have a Christmas baby! Thank goodness, but I am ready for her to hurry up and make her appearance!! We had a pretty good Christmas here even though it definitely wasn't the same as being back home for Christmas! We are thankful that we got all the presents we asked for, except Emma of course! Here's a rundown of what each of us got.

-Air Compressor & Accessories
-Wedding band (hopefully he doesn't lose this one!)
-A book that's a field guide for new dads (which he already finished)

-Camera & Accessories
-Wii Fit Plus
-Sony eReader & a gift card for books!

So, we definitely got some good stuff! Now if Emma would just HURRY UP! We'll be complete! Here are a few pictures of the day! Enjoy the picture of the tree because it was down by 830am!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I know. I know. I shouldn't be losing patience yet, since I am still a week away from my due date, but I can't help but to wish it was over! This pregnancy business is more miserable than ever! I can't sleep. I have to pee not every hour, but every half hour. I get full after two bites of food. My back is in excruciating pain! My head hurts! The list could really keep going. I couldn't tell you if I've made any progress since last Thursday. I'm hoping to hear that good news tomorrow at my appointment. I can always hope that he says, oh we're going to just take you across the street and admit you now, right? In my dreams! What I can tell you is that I have been having some contractions, but they are very irregular. And Emma is now sitting so incredibly LOW! Sometimes I feel like I can't walk because of it! But I'm pretty sure her being lower is a good sign!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Doctor update

Went to the doctor this morning! And some progress is better than no progress I guess! According to the doctor, I am 2cm dilated and 50% effaced! Before anyone says, I know, I know, that I could be stuck at this point for weeks, but I'm staying positive!! Let's hope for some progress within the next week or so!!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Officially full term!

Yes, that's right! As of two days ago, I am officially full term. So this means it's safe for little Emma to come anytime she wants now! I'm thinking next Friday would be good! That's the day after the last day of school! Thankfully, I've gotten all of my assignments done early, just in case, but we hope she stays in until after finals week so that i can get my participation points for going to the final classes!

Everyone tells me that this is the point when they started to get anxious/nervous about having a baby soon. But I'm not nervous at all! I am SOOOO incredibly ready that it is kinda ridiculous! I think I am probably the person who hates pregnancy the most out of everyone you know!!!

Things I hate about pregnancy:
-NO SLEEP!!! (at least when Emma gets here, I'll have a reason for not sleeping!)
-Lack of oxygen!
-Terrible heartburn!
-Hard time putting on my socks/shoes!
-Weight gain (duh, I think everyone hates this part)
-Having the desire to do so much (i.e. cook, clean, etc.), but the energy to do so little!
-Going to restaurants and being asked if I can sit in a booth......(YES PEOPLE! Plenty of room!)

Things I like about pregnancy:
-Still wearing my AE jeans. :)
-Feeling Emma move, except when she's kickboxing my ribs of course.

Yeah, see the list of pros is MUCH smaller than the list of cons.

New topic! School-BLAH. Can I please go to back to Mississippi and go to school there?!?! The education system here does nothing but piss me off! And the people at the college are so rude and unhelpful! My transfer credits haven't even been "officially" evaluated yet, and they can't give a date in which they will be. Keep in mind these people have had my transcripts since AUGUST! Hopefully they get their acts together by next semester!!!!

Here is a funny picture for your liking:

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Cheese only lays by Sam if Sam is already on the bed, but if she's up there and Sam jumps up, she runs!

Our Christmas tree! 

Coco on the perch

Jack dreaming about chasing birds :)

Snickers, also dreaming about the outdoors

Cheetos being her normal lazy self

Sammy & Jack are best friends!

Dear Santa!

Dear Santa,
I've been really good this year, so PLEASE give me my baby a few days before Christmas? An early Christmas gift, perhaps? I'd really like a new pair of shoes too please. :) That's all.

Okay, On a serious note: I really would like for Emma to be here either a couple days before Christmas or a couple days after! Please, no Christmas baby! Had a doctor's appointment today! Doctor says I'm still measuring correctly according to the new date, so that's good! He also gave me a prescription for heart burn!! YAYYY! Because heartburn has been so bad lately that I've been up all night because I feel nauseous and that I could quite possible breathe fire out of my mouth! The only problem with the medicine is that it makes me nauseous! But he said that's perfectly normal and that I can continue to take my Zofran with it! Whooo! For whatever reason, he doesn't want to see me back for two weeks again? WTH. The healthcare system here sucks! I will be 38 weeks at my next appointment! Everyone else I know who has been pregnant has started going every week at 36 weeks and sometimes at 34! Whatever.....

In other news, our first Thanksgiving was halfway successful. I really wish we had eaten with our friends Ashleigh and Chris, but..... Anyway, the day after shopping was successful. Aaron and I left our house at 3am and were back home by 9am! And we got mostly everything we were going for! Yayy! Now there are presents wrapped under our tree! See below. Oh and I've decided we won't be decorating outside this year since we don't know when Emma will be here, and we really don't want to get stuck having to take down a bunch of lights outside after coming home from the hospital or with a newborn baby in the house. You get the picture! That's all for now!

Okay, this thing won't let me upload pictures right now! I will try again when I get home from class!