Okay, first, today is officially the 30 week mark! :) 70 days/10 weeks or less to go! I go back to the doctor in a week, and I am very anxious about that! As y'all know, we had Bundles for Babies last night, which was pretty fun. We got some great resources, and I signed up for a Baby Signs class! It's next week, while Aaron is working nights, so that will be great for taking up my time on one of the nights he won't be here! The down side to the class was this one wife who was there. You know me, I can't handle certain kinds of people, and she was just on my nerves. She had a comment about EVERYTHING, and half the stuff she said did not make sense. Thank goodness she wasn't at our table because I am sure she could've picked up on the fact that she was really bothering me by the look on my face!
Anyhow, back to things to ponder. First, many people know that I have very strong beliefs about certain things in life, and one of them is children, particularly my children. I have ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS wanted to be able to stay home with my children until they are two years old, for many reasons. I know I have talked about going crazy in this house all day, but it will be different once Emma gets here. Next thing I have been disgusted about is not being able to bring income into our family, even though we don't need it. I just feel that there is so much more we could do as a family if I supplemented our income in some way. So, since I really want to stay at home with Emma, I am thinking of getting affiliated with Family Child Care on base and taking in one or two infants in our house. First, it would only be part time care, as I will be in school still next semester, but there is only one half day of the week that I wouldn't be available. Starting in the Summer, I would want to do full-time care, which is 160/week per child! This would be plenty of supplementing for our income, and I would be doing something I enjoy, plus I would be able to stay home with precious Emma! I wouldn't want this to be permanent because I am eventually wanting as much of a career as I can get living the military lifestyle!
Another thing I am thinking about is making things and selling them. I have some talent for make cutesy things that I could sell for little girls and to families. I can make hair bows, tutus, customized onesies, dresses, wall paintings, names for children's rooms, bow holders, wreaths, etc. etc. I know several other military wives who make a decent profit selling these things. I know it would take a lot to get started, but I think it could work!
There is one more thing to think about. Aaron and I have been pondering the idea of becoming foster parents. I know, you probably think we are crazy, and we probably are. But both of us have this passion for children, and we feel like we could share our passion by doing something like this. Before you get all negative and judgemental, think about the fact that there are 80,000 kids without homes in California! That is HUGE, and we want to help. We would only take in one child, who is between the ages of 5-9. This would not burden us financially, since there is a monthly stipend that covers all the expenses for the child. Also, there is an elementary school IN our neighborhood, so I could take the stroller and the pup, and Emma, Sammy, and I could walk the kid to school every morning. :) This is not for certain yet, but we are really thinking about doing it, and would like the opinions of others, so if you have an opinion, please share! Not be rude, but it will ultimately not influence our decision, but we do value the opinions of those we care about!
Okay, sorry to have written a book!
I support you being a foster mother 9 million percent!!!!!