Okay, so I've promised several friends and family members back home that I would start a blog to keep them updated with everything in our lives since we're several states away!
First, today I had my official 18 week ultrasound, and it IS for sure a girl! We finally decided on a name, she will be Emma Ranae' Bellinger! Thank goodness that's over with because deciding on a name was MUCH harder than I though it could be. Now it's to the fun part: shopping for our little one! Well, that's the fun part for me, Aaron probably doesn't think so! :)
Anyway, we've been in California for a month now, and I have to say this is MUCH different than Mississippi. Major culture shock for sure! The area we live in is kinda yuck, but we live in a very nice neighborhood, and we're soooo close to Sacramento. Aaron and I have already visited the Sac Zoo and Old Sac, which were both verrry nice! I thought I should share with everyone the things I've learned about Cali so far:
-It's so much hotter here than I thought! I mean we're pretty far North in the US, but don't let that fool you because it's 100 degrees every day!
-It DOES NOT rain here in summer. Like ZERO precipitation. NOT A JOKE. The sun shines every day. And you think, oh that's nice! No, it's really not. I miss the rain!
-The population of bugs here is OUTRAGEOUS! Especially spiders. You wouldn't believe the different types of bugs that here though and the abundance of them! I thought Mississippi was bad!
-The people here are RUDE! Southern hospitality is a concept I truly miss! People will literally shove you out of their way, rather than say excuse me.
-The fast food restaurants here......TERRIBLE! I miss Chik Fil A, McAlisters, Arbys, Raising Cane's, Zaxby's, just to name a few. Oh and there are NO Waffle House restaurants here. No joke. There is seriously one on every street corner back home!
Those are just a few of the things I've learned thus far about this place. I will add more in the future! I think I'll like this place a lot more once we have furniture to put in our lovely home! That has been nothing but a hassle for us trying to get that stuff here, but it SHOULD be here tomorrow. We hope! I get sooo bored staying home by myself all day while Aaron works. I've tried finding a job, but the job market here SUCKS. And people who are hiring don't wanna hire a pregnant girl! But, I did enroll in school today, so that should keep me pretty busy! Yay!
Hey Ashley!!! I so did not know you were pregnant!!!! Congratulations!!! Aw, little girls are SO much fun!! So happy for you! Love you!