Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cloth Diaper Tuesdays :)

Okay, for those of you who think I am nuts for cloth diapering, I think you're nuts for not! We decided to make the swtch in March because we had tried all diaper brands, and I was continuously having leaks. I was tired of changing outfits with every diaper change, so I researched cloth diapers. Let me tell you, I was OVERWHELMED at first with all of the information, which is maybe why some people won't cloth diaper. I spent three days searching all of the types, brands, etc. I decided to do a trial of diapers from a company so that I could see which diapers I liked the most. I recommend Jilian's Drawers for a diaper trial, btw. Once I got the diapers, I found that I really like pockets! Basically, it's a simple as a disposable. You just stuff an insert into it's pocket and snap or velcro it on! Easy Peasy. I also like hybrid dipes because they are good for the diaper bag. Basically it's a cover with an insert, and you just reuse the cover with different inserts. Anyway, I'll be going into great detail about brands and types that I use with one post for each. So look forward to that next week! Cloth diapering is so easy that I would NEVER use disposables again. I can't believe I was paying money for that garbage that's going to be in our landfills for 600+ years!!!! Aaron thinks I've moved to California and become a hippy, but seriously, it's just the logical choice.
Many people think the washing would be bad, but I assure you it's fun! I love having clean fluff to fold, and I hate laundry! Something about hanging my diapers to dry makes my day! Here is a little photoshoot of dipes outside drying this morning:

That is the cheapest little drying rack that Target carries, and works perfect for hanging the covers! So if it's not washing that causes people to not cloth diaper, start up costs could be it. Yes, it was a little bit to start up, but honestly, I am going to save about 1800 or more with just Emma. Then, I can use them for our next baby also! And when I am done, I will still be able to sell these things to other mama's! So, questions? Feel free to ask me! I would love to sell some other mamas on cloth!

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