Monday, September 13, 2010


Sorry for the lack of posts here lately! You would think I was ultra busy, right? Well, I have been pretty busy lately actually. School is starting to pick up, and I've got papers and assignments out the wazooo to write/do! So that has been taking up a large portion of my time.We've also been rather busy on the weekends with tons of stuff going on.

We had Taylor's 2nd birthday party one weekend, which was a blast! She seemed to have a lot of fun. We went to San Francisco on Labor day, and we had a great time. We visited the Golden Gate Bridge, aimlessly drove around downtown looking for a restaurant that ended up not even being open! And then visited the beach. While visiting the beach, we saw some whales! Very fabulous and not an everyday opportunity!

In other exciting news, all of you know my laptop was stolen when Aaron was on leave back in June. Well, RIP my precious Macbook. :) That thing was literally like my baby. So Aaron promised to replace my computer, but of course it took us FOREVER to see eye-to-eye on what kind to get. Well, naturally I wanted another Macbook, and again, naturally, Aaron hates apple and thinks they are extremely over priced and overrated! Well, deciding that I am never going to convince Aaron into an Apple, I have settled for a Samsung that we ordered yesterday! Yahoo! Now if it can just ever get here! P.S. I will have another Macbook. :) Just wait until I am employed full-time again!

Baby news: I am coming up on 24 weeks and beginning to be more and more ready for Emma's arrival! I have almost finished decorating her room, and we have lots of things for her now! The wonderful Granny and Papaw sent us tons of outfits. I'm guessing around 25 or so! We also got several blankets, some shoes, sheets, hairbows, socks, and washcloths from them! It is so cool to open Emma's drawers and see them filled with things. :) Emma is also starting to move a lot more, and you can definitely see my belly moving around now, even though she always stops moving when I tell Aaron to come over and see! I go back to the doctor in a week and a half to have my sugar checked, and I am NOT looking forward to that! But I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Here are a few new pictures for everyone to see!

The Pacific Ocean. :) Cold, Rocky, and full of HUGE waves!

A picture that I actually enjoy of us. :) Almost 23 weeks here.

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