Thursday, November 29, 2012

Heart Strings

Okay, I don't often blog three times in one week and especially not two days in a row, but there is something that is really tugging at my heart strings tonight. I know several people, acquaintances, if you will, who have recently gone through divorces. These people all have young children. This really has been tugging at my heart tonight. I know that divorce happens, and sometimes, it really is the best choice, but I keep thinking about if my own babies had divorced parents. For those of you married with kids, doesn't that make you sad? I think about having to let them go to "Dad's house" and sharing them for holidays and their birthdays. That makes me really really sad to even have to think about doing something like that. I watch, Teen Mom (I know, I know, but it is fun to watch really awful reality TV sometimes), and every time I see the girls have to say goodbye to their kids for a day or a weekend or whichever, I think what if that were me?

Well, I am so thankful it is not me. I am so thankful for a loving husband. I am thankful that we don't have to share our children and send them to each others' houses. I have realized lately just how lucky I am, and I really have to work on showing how thankful I am more often. It is easy to take for granted all of the good in our lives, and I think that is something that everyone needs to work on!

1 comment:

  1. I was facebook stalking your about me and saw your blog :)
    This has been on my mind alot. I can say about half the married friends Garrett and I started out with are now divorced.
    I read Sacred Marriage at the beginning of my marriage, and I think it had the largest impact of anything else I've read. Girls nowadays are raised thinking that everything should make them happy, and every guy should be right out of the latest romantic movie (Ryan Gosling?);men can't compete with that so they shut down and retreat. It's sad and difficult. I highly recommend this book to any friends that are going through a tough time. If you open your mind to it, it can really take the pressure off of yourself and your husband. The tagline of the book is "What if God created marriage to make us holy, rather than happy?" At first I wasn't into it bc he talks about sometimes you dont like your spouse, sometimes even hate them... as a newlywed I thought that was just so rude and impossible. I love this book! and my husband! and learning to put God in the right spot in my marriage!
