Thursday, July 26, 2012


Okay, keeping with my track record, I have failed to update the look of my blog! Let's face it folks, I am BUSY! The weekend I was supposed to work on it, we had issue with the dog that lives behind us, and Security Forces was at our house for about three hours filling out paperwork. So, I have been working out the new design throughout the last two weeks, but it is not quite done yet! Aaron has been in exercise this week, and it has been really hard for the girls and I to adjust to not having him here. We have made it with only one day left, yahoo! We will survive. ;)

Anywho: Something that's been on my mind A LOT lately is car seat safety! First off, extended rearfacing! I wish more moms would consider keeping their children rearfacing after the age of one. It is 500 times safer! Please, watch this video! It's a little long, but totally worth it!

Another huge thing that bothers me is position of the car seat's chest clip. It is called a CHEST clip for a reason people. It's not a belly clip or a crotch clip. It needs to be level with your baby/toddler's ARMPITS!

Also, if the car seat didn't come with it, chances are it ISN'T safe! Those strap covers, toss 'em. That head support, toss it! Seriously! Nothing should between your child and the car seat. Not even a coat in cold weather!

Here is a great blog post about common mistakes made when using car seats!

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