Monday, March 25, 2013

Light at the End

Let's face it: I am a TERRIBLE blogger. I don't know why I am a terrible blogger, or why I even pretend that I am going to be a better blogger. I really do enjoy blogging, but I just never find myself sitting at the computer with nothing other blogging to do. (Who am I kidding?! Every night after I am done with homework, I spend at least an hour looking at Etsy when I could be blogging.) I just have this tendency to get lost in what I am doing and totally forget I even have a blog. I mean it is March, and my last post was in November. Ummmm, helloo there again!

Anyhow, as I sit at my computer now, I think about all of the things that have happened since I last blogged and what I could write about. So many stories and memories stick out to me in my head just in that short span of time. I have to ask myself, how blessed am I to not have a hard time picking out great memories in just a few short months.

Now, trust me, there have been some really crappy (And I use the word crappy because it is most definitely the nicest way to put it.) memories between then and now too. We could start with it being almost April and still not having our tax refund even though we filed in January, or we could talk about the truck we just bought needing $1000 in repairs, or we could talk about how Aaron's squadron is giving him the total run around about a decision that they needed to make weeks ago, or we could talk about someone in Korea hacking all of my online accounts, and the list really goes on and on. OR we could talk about the good.

I've come to realize just tonight that dwelling on all of these crappy situations above is going to get me nowhere, but being creative, an adult, and looking at the positive in everything WILL. We haven't gotten our tax return? So what. We'll get creative until then. $1000 in repairs? At least no one was in a wreck and injured badly because of the problems with the truck. Aaron's squadron giving him the run around? Well, I'm still looking for the positive there.

The fact of the matter and something that I am trying to do myself is to STOP DWELLING. It's so hard as a young family to not dwell on $1000 in repair costs to a vehicle you haven't even owned but for a week, but such is life. We will recoup and recover and move on with our lives. We can't keep thinking what if? or Why? We just have to put on our big girl panties and deal. (I know, I know. That saying is as old as the hills. It probably goes back before my time, but it is so incredibly true.). This is not to say that we will be perfect or even near perfect. I mean I still can't find the positive in the situation with Aaron's squadron, but the fact of the matter is that we are working towards finding the positives and bettering ourselves.

So to try and better ourselves and our family, Aaron and I have sat down and reorganized our budget, and we are really going to make this year a year of goals and accomplishments. If we get knocked down, we have to learn to get right back up and go again.