Monday, February 28, 2011

Terrible Blogger

Once again, I am being a terrible blogger! Good news though! Emma is doing great and still growing sooo fast! I made her two month appt. today, and it's crazy how fast time has gone. In one week and 3 days, she will be two months old ahhhH! Scary! Anyhow, last week she weighed 11lbs, so I'm anxious to see what she's weighing at the end of next week! I have officially put away all the newborn clothes and the 0-3 month sleepers because she is too long for them! She is still wearing mostly 0-3 months for now, but some of them she's starting grow out of! EEEKKK! We have a big baby on our hands for a girl! She's been in the 95th percentile for girls, but the doctor said she will start slow her growth since she is breastfed. Thank goodness, she's getting incredibly heavy to lug around in her car seat!
In other GREAT news, Emma and I are going to Mississippi!!!!!!!! Yahoo! We cannot wait! We're going the last week of March and staying with Granny and Papaw. Sucks Aaron can't go, but we are going to have so much fun!

Our 7 week old! 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Growing so fast!

Yes, Emma is growing incredibly fast! It's kinda sad that she no longer fits into most of her newborn clothes, especially the one piece outfits... But she's also at this awkward stage where her 3mos clothes are still big, so I'm not wishing for her to grow up, but I do wish she could properly wear one size or the other! She's doing great though, eating well, and sleeping pretty good at night. Sleeping during the day is a whole different story though. It is 4pm, and she is sleeping for the first time since 7:30 this morning! But I am A o.k. with her sleeping at night rather than during the day!

On another note, Aaron enrolled her in Tricare today, and we found out that she has to be seen on base because we live within 30 minutes of the installation. Let me tell you that our address is 28 minutes from the clinic!!!!!! OMG. That makes me really mad because everyone talks negatively of the regular pediatrician on base. We haven't seen her yet because she's been deployed or something crazy like that, and they've had temporary people in there, who have been really nice. I'm not only mad because of the pediatrician, but I'm mad because all of the Airmen who work the appointment line and front desk are TERRIBLE at their jobs. They're just a pain to deal with. Did I mention that we are the base with the worst health care in the Air Force? UGHHHHHHHH. That is all for today!